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PSHCE curriculum this term

At Bolder, our students have PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship and Economic Education) lessons during the year. These take place once a week, every week, for 30 minutes during Personal Development time.

PSHCE is a valuable topic that helps children and young people stay healthy, safe and prepared for life – and work – in modern Britain. From banking to mental health, PSHCE offers students the tools they need to aid them through their school life and beyond.

We will be covering the themes of Respectful Relationships (including friendships) and Families, Relationship and Human Happiness. Attached is information of each topic we will be teaching each week over the course of this term.


Please note PSHCE at school is a legal requirement. Please read the following government statutory guidance on PSHCE teaching at school:

Government statutory requirements state that there is no right for parents or carers to withdraw their pupils or for pupils to withdraw themselves from the relationships curriculum. However, under the Education Act 1996, parents do have the right to request that their child be withdrawn from some or all of the sex education delivered as part of statutory RSE. Students cannot be withdrawn, however, from the compulsory elements of sex education contained in the science National Curriculum. To see where sex education is taught in our RSE curriculum, please refer to the table at the end of this document wanting to exercise the right to withdraw are invited to see the Headteacher who will explore the concerns of parents/carers and the possibilities of adjusting the programme or app.