Music at Bolder
At Bolder Academy our Music curriculum is designed to develop our students into kind, strong, brave young adults where a Bolder future awaits.
The aims of the Music Curriculum
The aims of the Music curriculum are to:
- Engage and inspire students to develop a love of music and strength in practical music making; in terms of performance and composition.
- Develop a critical engagement with a wide range music, allowing students to listen and appraise with discrimination.
How we deliver Music
Bolder Academy follows the national curriculum. There is one music lesson per week through years 7, 8 and 9.
In music students are taught:
- To perform, listen to, review and evaluate music across a range of periods, genres, styles and traditions.
- How to sing and how to use their voices with increasing accuracy and fluency.
- How to create and compose music on their own and with others, using technology where appropriate to aid composition.
- How to play a musical instrument with increasing accuracy and fluency.
- How pieces created, produced and communicated through a range of different notation formats and the elements of music.
Students are given opportunities to perform both within the context of a classroom and wider school performances such as assemblies and concerts. They also perform at venues outside of the Academy.
Additional teaching of musical instruments is offered to all students through the Being Bold enrichment provision and through peripatetic teachers from Hounslow Music Service.
Our Intended Impact in Music
We will know if we have been successful when our students live and breathe our three core values within the Academy and beyond. This will be evidenced when students demonstrate they are:
KIND – members of the musical community who are aware and appreciative of different cultures and beliefs; due to an exploratory and inclusive curriculum, with a focus on the British values of tolerance and democracy.
STRONG – musicians who are able and skilled performers, composers and theorists; due to a focus on building from technical to expressive control over sound, rigorous implementation of the assessment policy and quality first teaching at the forefront of every lesson.
BRAVE – competitors who are not only well equipped, but determined, ambitious and structured in their pursuit of further musical study (GCSE / A Level / degree) or occupations, due to an insistent focus on and implementation of the music careers programme.
Bolder FM
Being Bold Music Production:
Deja Vu by Olivia Rodrigo Cover
For their ‘Music Production: Being Bold’ lessons during the summer term Year 8 have been learning about recording and editing practices using the professional digital audio workstation ‘Logic Pro X’.
They began this cover of Olivia Rodrigo’s ‘Deja Vu’ by recording the backing track. Students identified instruments used in the original song and replicated these sounds using synthesis, ADSR envelopes and FX plug-ins.
After the sound design stage, the class worked to capture the instruments with a focus on signal flow, step input & audio I/O assignments. Chloe, Limoni, Ruby and Kaila then gave a brilliant vocal performance whilst Kacie and Sabrina engineered the takes. Kacie then edited the vocal performance using advanced audio manipulation techniques (e.g. Melodyne).
Please enjoy the finished piece!