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Assessment at Bolder

At Bolder Academy, there are 4 main ways that students are assessed throughout the year. These are:

  1. Baseline Assessments
  2. SATs (Short Answer Tests)
  3. Health Checks
  4. Aspire for Excellence Assessments

At the beginning of the year students complete a baseline assessment. The content and skills in this assessment will vary across departments. The baseline allows teachers to see what skills and knowledge students have retained from previous years / primary schools and highlight areas to focus on within the curriculum.

Within each cycle of learning students complete SATs and a health checks. The SAT is a short answer or multiple choice test which is around 15 marks. This allows teachers to quickly assess knowledge and identify any gaps in learning. The health check is an extended writing or skills based question that students will also complete in lessons. The health check allows teachers to assess the knowledge and skills that students are developing in class. Once the health check is complete students will complete a fix it sheet in class allowing them to focus on any areas of development. The number of SATs and health checks varies per subject based on contact hours.

The Aspire for Excellence Assessment is taken by students at the end of every cycle of learning. This is typically an exam where students will get a written paper assessing the skills and knowledge that they have covered throughout the most recent cycle of their learning. This allows students the practice exam style questions and allows teachers to see the areas in which students need support. Once the assessment is complete students will complete a fix it sheet in class allowing them to focus on any areas of development.