GCSE Options Information
Welcome to our GCSE Options Choices web page. At Bolder Academy, we are deeply committed to ensuring our students can make the right choices for their GCSEs so that they can go on to become happy and successful students.
Please join us at our Virtual Online Information Evening on Thursday 27th February 6:00pm to 6.30pm. You will be sent a link to join presentation on the 10th February via parent mail to join. If you are unable to join us for this presentation it will be uploaded to the GCSE options webpage on the 28th February which will allow you to watch it again at a time convenient to you.
We have designed a new curriculum to help support your children to be on the correct pathway, this being either the Brave, Strong or Kind Pathway so that they will be set for the next stage in their educational journey.
Our goal is to offer a curriculum that will:
- Meet individual needs and aspirations.
- Be broad, challenging, and engaging.
- Encourage learning participation up to the age of 16.
- Prepare students for a successful future.
To help you understand the curriculum we would like you to look at this options booklet. It has been designed to help support you in making an informed decision about the available courses. It also includes details about the compulsory core subjects that all Key Stage 4 students will study.
Things to consider when making subject choices:
- While some students may be drawn to a subject because they believe it will involve less work, they will need to put in effort in all subjects to achieve strong qualifications.
- Some students select a subject to stay with friends. However, due to the complexity of timetabling, your child may be placed in a different class from their friends, so this should not be the deciding factor.
- The availability of GCSE subjects will depend on various factors, including student demand, staffing, and timetabling. Therefore, the list of subjects offered is provisional at this stage.
- Choosing a subject based solely on the current teacher is not advisable. Changes in staffing or timetabling may result in a different teacher. It’s important that students are confident in enjoying the subject regardless of who teaches it.
- Based on students' current progress, they will be guided toward subject pathways that are most suitable for them. Our aim is for all students to succeed in every option they choose.
GCSE Pathway Explanation
As you embark on selecting your GCSE options, it's important to consider your interests, strengths, and future aspirations. You have the opportunity to choose subjects that will not only enrich your learning experience but also pave the way for your future academic and career pathways.
All students in year 9 will follow one of the following 3 pathways:
- Brave Pathway: students have to choose a Language or a Humanities subject and will also be asked to choose 3 additional options.
- Strong pathway: students have to choose a Language or a Humanities subject and will be given extra support with additional Maths and English lessons. They will also be asked to choose 2 additional options.
- Kind pathway: students will be given extra support with additional Maths and English lessons. They will complete an ASDAN Qualification that focuses on personal development. They will need to pick alongside these two additional options.
Additionally, you will also be asked to pick one reserve option in case your preferred choices are not available due to scheduling conflicts or the subject being oversubscribed.
Please note:
Subjects which are similar in content, these cannot be taken together:
- Art & Design or Graphics
- PE or Sports Studies
- Business Studies or Business & Enterprise
Additional key considerations
- If you are selecting Music as an option subject you will have to be able to play an instrument/sing to a high level. Alongside this you will need to be participating in peripatetic music lessons in Year 10 and 11 or a lunchtime extra-curricular club.
- If you have studied French in Key Stage 3 (Years 7 to 9) then you will not be allowed to do Spanish at GCSE
- If you have studied Spanish in Key Stage 3 (Years 7 to 9) then you will not be allowed to do French at GCSE.

Links to options forms (will be available from 6th March)
Brave Pathway Options Form
Strong Pathway Options Form
Kind Pathway Options Form
Link to Presentation (available from 28th February)
Options Presentation
Options Information Booklet
Please click below to view our Options Information Booklet.
Subject Presentations (coming soon)
(Coming soon)
Useful Information
START PROFILE is an invaluable platform designed specifically for students seeking comprehensive insights into various career paths and academic subjects. It serves as a versatile resource where students can thoroughly research and explore a wide array of career options and subjects of interest. (https://www.u-explore.com/page/home-page)
The National Careers website is a comprehensive online platform dedicated to assisting young individuals in navigating their career journeys effectively. This website serves as a vital hub, offering a wealth of guidance and resources for those exploring diverse career options, courses, job search strategies, and skills assessment. It provides tailored advice to aid individuals in discovering potential career paths, understanding different courses available, honing job-seeking techniques, and evaluating their skill sets. (www.nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk)
The icould offers an interactive and insightful tool known as the 'Buzz quiz,' a brief yet impactful personality assessment designed to guide individuals toward potential career areas aligned with their unique traits and interests. By taking this quiz, users gain valuable insights into various professional domains that may suit their personality, preferences, and strengths. (www.icould.com/buzz-quiz)
GCSE Baccalaureate - the government website is useful for understanding more about the English Baccalaureate (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/english-baccalaureate-ebacc/english-baccalaureate-ebacc)