Extra Curriculum Music
In Music at Bolder Academy, we strongly believe that valuable music making opportunities outside of the classroom make for stronger music students inside the classroom. Our music lunchtime clubs are led by music industry professionals who are experienced specialists on their instruments. These clubs are entirely FREE and those pupils who attend will be provided with lifelong skills and positive cultural experiences that will inform their creative and logical thinking, which they can take through to further study, the world of work and their future artistic endeavours.
Please see below what we currently have on offer here at Bolder:
Individual Lessons
Paid 1-1 / Paired Lessons can be booked via www.hounslowmusic.org.uk
Free Music Lunchtime Clubs & Practice Rooms – Sign Up in Music Dept.
- Guitar Group (113) 13:30 - 14:00
- Bolder Buskers (lunchtime in the playground) - no sign up required
- KS3 Choir (during PD in the music room 113) - sign up begins w/c 25th September
- Keyboard Club (113) 13:30 - 14:00
- Composition Club (115) 13:30 - 14:00
- School Orchestra (during PD) auditions 29th September
All abilities welcome - please speak to Ms Lai in room 115 for a lunch pass
Being Bold Sessions:
Year 7 - Music Technology / Brass Band
Year 9 - Songwriting Circle
All week
- Music Practice Room 1 – Band Room [MP1] (available for booking)
- Music Practice Room 2 – Piano Room [MP2] (available for booking)
- Music Practice Room 3 – Piano Room [MP3] (available for booking)
- Music Technology Suite – Silent Composition Room [115] (available for booking)
Any questions or queries regarding signing up for Music clubs or instrumental lessons please email awilliams@bolderacademy.co.uk