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Community Club Links

At Bolder Academy we recognise there are three key barriers to young people not transitioning from School sports clubs to community sports clubs.  These are:

  • Young people not knowing if they will make friends/who will be at the sessions
  • Young people not knowing the coaches/adults at the community club
  • Young people not knowing the environment/location of the facility

By working closely with a select group of clubs and hosting their community sports sessions we are able to break down these barriers to support more young people to lead active, healthy lifestyles.  Club coaches deliver curriculum, enrichment and extra-curricular sessions during the hours students are in school so that students and coaches can build a rapport.  With club sessions taking place at Bolder Academy, young people already know the facility and environment so this makes the transition to community sport seamless.

NBNC Flames Netball


Wycombe House Cricket Club and House Cricket Academy

Hounslow Swimming Club (Dry swim sessions on-site including Climbing)

London Trampoline Academy